About the event
In 2025, we face many environmental, social and economic challenges. Universities play a crucial role in appropriately educating leaders for today and tomorrow to address these challenges. Many educators, students, and leaders agree that sustainability needs to be a priority, but the how is not always the same. How do we educate and research? How do we integrate SDGs into the curriculum? How do we transform all activities on campus and take a strategic whole-institution approach for sustainability?
Through peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and case studies from the Responsible Futures International programme, this online workshop will explore how to meaningfully engage students in all activities at the university. We invite institutions interested in exploring whole-institution and student leadership approaches to integrating sustainability in all aspects of learning to take part in this interactive session.
About Responsible Futures
Responsible Futures is a whole-institution approach to embed holistic sustainability in student learning at educational institutions. It is a supported change programme and accreditation mark, with over 10 years of experience, delivered in partnership with students. Responsible Futures puts sustainability at the heart of education.
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS) and the International Association of Universities (IAU) partnered in 2023 to launch an international pilot of the long-running Responsible Futures programme. Together, pilot institutions and their students have worked to integrate sustainability into strategies and policies, embed sustainability across a broad range of disciplines, and center local/regional perspectives on sustainability. The seven pilot institutions co-created the programme including developing an international framework of good practice and structuring student-led audits to determine Responsible Futures accreditation.
We will be holding two sessions to accommodate differing time zones:
- Session 1: 25th March, 09:00-10:00 CET – register here
- Session 2: 25th March, 15:00-16:00 CET – register here