TASK™ – The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge – has officially launched!
SDGs associated
Organisations associated
Sulitest launches TASK™️ - The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge - with the ambition to transform education by making sustainability the universal language.

More than a year ago, TASK, a tool about The Assessment of Sustainable Knowledge started developing, in collaboration with researchers and professionals in the field of education for sustainability so that it could fulfil its purpose: to be a lever of systemic change, mainstreaming sustainability knowledge!

TASK will enable

  • Professionals to demonstrate their sustainability knowledge 
  • Companies to measure the knowledge of their team to inform training and demonstrate impact 

and making sustainability knowledge mainstream! 

Join the movement

For a demo of TASK, the presentation of TASK in more detail, a tour of the platform, share pricing options and answer to any question. 

There will be two sessions, one in French (at 4 PM, CET) and one in English (at 5 PM, CET). 

For the French session RSVP here.

For the English session RSVP here.

Latest update: 18.09.2023