University of Girona
Plaça de Sant Domènec 3
17004 Girona, Spain
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The University of Girona is a public higher education institution that excels in research and is involved in social progress through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of science, technology, the humanities, social sciences and the arts. It is based in the city of Girona and is part of the Catalan system of public universities. Rooted in the country and an economic and cultural driver, it expresses its solidarity and cooperation in the fight against injustice and in favour of human dignity.
Sustainability at the University of Girona
The Principle of Sustainability establishes the goals and determines the environmental-improvement and sustainability-promotion initiatives throughout the University of Girona’s areas of action and influence. Its actions are mainly directed at the sustainable management of the environmental resources of the different University spaces and to promoting the culture of sustainability and respectful attitudes towards the environment in the areas of teaching and research.
More information
You can find more information about University of Girona's social commitment and initiatives along SDGs HERE.