The University of the West Indies
Mona Campus St. Andrews
Kingston, Jamaica
The IAU WHED ID Is a global unique identifier. Learn more here on the IAU World Higher Education Database.

The UWI is a regional university with 5 Campuses: Mona Campus (Jamaica), Cave Hill (Barbados), St. Augustine (Trinidad & Tobago), Five Islands (Antigua & Barbuda), Open Campus (Online).
For over seven decades The University of the West Indies (The UWI) has provided service and leadership to the Caribbean region driving sustainable growth and development. Find below some of the activities carried out by the UWI during the last years.
Sustainability at UWI
The UWI is strongly engaged in fostering sustainable development at local and global level. Through research, teaching, advocacy, and partnerships, the UWI promote knowledge and innovation to positively transform the Caribbean and the wider world. You can find projects, good practices and stories on the UWI Climate Action Portal. You can also get inspired by researches and projects reported in the: Leading Climate Action report (May 2020).
Learn more in this video about the The Global Institute for Climate- Smart and Resilience Institute founded by the UWI and further explore the Website.
The University of the West Indies leads SDG 13: Climate Action of the IAU Global Cluster on HESD.