The online webinar took place on Thursday, 30 March 2023, 13:00-15:00 CEST. This 2 hour event featured four organizations working to bring ESD practices to life in various settings across the world. Each organization carried out a short workshop (in parallel online breakout rooms) by facilitators from diverse organizations.
IAU was pleased to have been selected as one of the workshop implementers. The breakout session focused on “Higher Education & ESD: Taking a transdisciplinary approach to teaching based on SDG 4 and ESD at universities".
- The IAU Breakout session: “Higher Education & ESD: Taking a transdisciplinary approach to teaching based on SDG 4 and ESD at universities", recording is available here.
Find the rest of the breakout sessions here:
- "Curriculum design and ESD in practice - CoDesignS Learning Design and ESD Framework & Toolkit", recording available here.
- "Learning at the intersection of AI, physiology, EEG, our environment and well-being (the Life2Well Project)", recording available here.
- "The Activation of ESD-based Education – from Promise and Paperwork to Practice", recording available here.
After an opening segment by Unesco, participants were invited to join a breakout room. The IAU Breakout Session (group D) focused on higher education.
The central question to panellists and participants was: Why and how to teach ESD through a transdisciplinary approach?
A selection of challenges was shared with the discussants who addressed these and proposed ways to overcome them.
- Hilligje van’t Land, PhD, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU)
- Isabel Toman, Programme Officer, Sustainable Development, IAU
Presenters and discussants from universities:
- Charles Hopkins, Charles Hopkins, Unesco Chair, York University, Canada, SDG 4 IAU HESD Cluster
- Toshiya Aramaki, Deputy Director, SDGs Promotion Center; Dean, the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Toyo University, Japan
- Rosie Latchford, Students organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)
- Daiva Penkauskienė, MRU Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Institute of Educational Science and Social Work, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania