The UNITWIN Network on ESD and Social Transformation (UNiESD&ST) is a new collaboration between UNESCO, York University, Rhodes University, Heidelberg University of Education, University of Crete, Earth Charter Centre at University of Peace and Leuphana University of Lüneburg to foster sustainability learning with teacher education and capacity building at the core.
The Chairs and their partner institutions are recognized think tanks in embedding ESD within education systems, pursuing transformative learning approaches, structurally changing curriculum development and delivering education services through technology. The main focus of this new UNITWIN Network is on strengthening the capacities of teachers at all levels of education-primary to tertiary in the space of formal and non-formal education to effectively and respectfully contextualize ESD knowledge, insight, research, and experience to enhance understanding in all UN regions.
The partners involved in this network are also part of the IAU HESD Cluster on SDG 4: Quality Education, lead by York University.
The UNITWIN Network was officially launched at the 5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education for Sustainable Development & Global Citizenship on 1 December 2021.
Press release by Leuphana University Lüneburg: https://www.leuphana.de/en/current-affairs/university-news/singleview/2021/11/30/leuphana-to-head-new-unesco-network.html