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Higher Education
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for Sustainable
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Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
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HE for SDGs in action
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Latin America
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About IAU HESD initiatives
What is HESD?
IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
IAU Global HESD Cluster
IAU Publications
HE for SDGs in action
Documents & Tools
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Latest actions
Ocean Decade manual for non-governmental organisations
SUSTrainable Project
UFU Conference on Distributed Energy Resources
UFU Research in the Araguari River Basin
Global Crossings Project
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Latin America
São Paulo State University Collaborates with Nelson Mandela University on Gender-Based Violence Research
Gender digital gap in Secondary School mathematics teachers before and during the covid-19 pandemic in Uruguay
Collaborative University Research Projects on the Implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Women Leaders from Higher Education Institutions in the Americas (EMULIES)
Professionalisation of Academic Teaching to Infuse SDGs in Latin American Universities
UAN Territorial School of Water
HEADCET Project: Higher Education pArtnerships for sustainable local Development through Circular Economy and social innovaTion 2023-2025
Preservation and Sustainable Development of the Lacandon Jungle
USAL Envrionment and Social Management System
Presentation of the first PUCP Environmental Sustainability Report
Ibero Green Campus
Smart Land UTPL
Environmental Management Research Group
Environmental Laboratory of the University Meta
Observatory of Energy and Sustainable Development
Recycling Initiative
Formation on Bioclimatic Architecture
Electrical and Electronic Waste & Social Responsibility Project
Center of Urban and Environmental Studies
Environmental Institute
Climate of Changes
University Center Linking with the Environment
Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology (CIMAR)
IELSALC Hybrid Course on Leadership and Governance for Universities on the way to 2030 (ESP)